The year of the fire rooster is now four days old, but as my father always said, “today is the first day of the rest of your life.”  This phrase always sounded cheesy, even annoying at times as a kid, but as time passes it rings wiser.  There is something so encouraging in the birth of a new day.  It represents an opportunity to try something new, to meet someone new, to grow.

Rolf Gates shares that true growth can sometimes feel like a step backwards or even a step into darkness.  David Bednar teaches the same regarding real faith.  Presently, moving forward feels this way and it has become clear that if I am to progress I need to relinquish two leadership roles.  So much of my culturally trained psyche cries out that this is not OK.  You just don’t do this. It is moving backwards.  But when I sit still and listen, I sense deep down that this choice will create needed space.  The soul space, the hollowing out, that is required to become a wider conduit for greater love and light in the lives of those around me.

Sometimes your Deep Yes arises not as a new quest, but in the form of letting go.  Doing less so that you can be more.