Deep Yes2019-08-09T19:22:12+00:00

What’s Your Vision?

With a new year ahead of us, I've been thinking about vision - not only what we see right before us with our physical eyes, but what we see and [...]

Slow Down

This week I rented a 15’ truck to move some equipment from central to southern New Hampshire.  It was a clear cold day - perfect for taking in the forested [...]

Relax With What Is

Relaxing with, rather than resisting what is helps us understand that we can turn challenging, difficult moments into opportunities for profound change. This looks like not immediately reacting when something [...]

Traveling Together

A very dear friend of mine explained to me this week, that she’d come to the realization that each of us is on our own path.  I saw her point; [...]

Personal Revolution?

A few in our community recently made the choice to commit to a 40 day program with “Personal Revolution” as part of its title.  This begs the question - Why [...]

Paying Attention

I recently heard a Buddhist Teacher confess that it is much easier for him to talk about suffering than happiness. His theory as to why: suffering is universal and we [...]

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