Meet Our Team
The Heart Of Our Studio
Fully committed instructors ready to share their knowledge and passion for yoga with you.

Sarah Croteau
Studio Owner/Teacher

Dawn Marquis

Heidi Clark

Regina Dixon

Amy Tetreault
Director of Teaching/Teacher

Jillian Hannah

Sarah Morrill

Michael Ladroga

Arie Manzi

Ari Chicklis

Amelia Filloramo

Heather Stewart

Alie Smith

Roberta Reilly
Digital Marketing Coordinator

Sarah Croteau
Studio Owner
I started practicing yoga twenty years ago as a runner looking to add more stretching to my training routine. Over the years, my yoga practice has evolved from a purely physical practice into a deeply connected relationship between body, mind, and spirit. Yoga allows me to connect deeply with my body and breath, create space for what is possible, and be fully present in the small moments of my life.
How do you spend your time off the mat? Hiking, swimming, skiing, sitting in the sun with a good book, drinking coffee, and spending time with my family.
Why power yoga? I love the combination of effort and ease- feeling your power, staying present in the heat, then surrendering and completely letting go…
Favorite pose? Triangle
Which three words best capture the vibe of your yoga classes at Sol? Welcoming, Accessible, Grounding
RYT-200, Yin Level I and II, Art of Assisting

Dawn Marquis
I went to my first yoga class because I had been encouraged to go. I kept going because I fell in love with it that very first class.
How do you spend your time off the mat? Spending time with family and friends, hiking, traveling, and reading. I’m learning to surf too but I’m sure that I love it yet.
Why power yoga? The heat, the breath, the poses, the community. All of these things help me immensely.
Favorite pose? All of the yoga poses
Which three words best capture the vibe of your yoga classes at Sol? Focused, breath, intentional
Two two-hundred hour trainings, Yin yoga level 1, IHP Pilates, multiple hands-on adjustment trainings, learning to teach in teacher training programs, various pose breakdown workshops

Heidi Clark
I started to practice yoga for the physical practice at first, but I continue to practice because of the sense of community it provides, as well as the physical and mental aspects of the practice.
How do you spend your time off the mat? Off the mat, I am the mother of an amazing daughter, Isabella. I enjoy time outdoors as well as cozy, lazy days inside with family. I’ve been a licensed massage therapist for the past 17 years and have my own massage studio. I love to travel, and I also have a little obsession with house plants.
Why power yoga? I love the physicality of the practice. The combination of the movement along with the heat creates a perfect space for my brain to turn off and just allow my mind to be present in the movement, how my body feels in the poses, and all the spaces in between.
Favorite pose? Waterfall / Legs up the wall. Poses shift for me day to day depending on how my body is feeling, but Waterfall / Legs up the Wall always feels good, no matter the day or how I’m feeling!
Which three words best capture the vibe of your yoga classes at Sol? High energy, playful, space for self-discovery
200-HR YTT at Sol Power Yoga, Buti / Hot Buti MVMT certification

Regina Dixon
For me yoga is joy!! I find joy in the struggle and the ever changing quality of my practice. Yoga helps me to align with my life.
How do you spend your time off the mat? I play tennis, spend time with friends and recently have started taking to the sea with my husband on our boat.
Why power yoga? Yoga helps you align with whatever is happening in your life: You learn to give yourself grace.
Favorite pose? Crescent pose
Which three words best capture the vibe of your yoga classes at Sol? Fun, Energetic, Welcoming
200-HR YYT at Sol Power Yoga

Amy Tetreault
Put simply, yoga found me. The weaving together of physical challenge and mental clarity I experienced during my first power practice was immediately intoxicating. I never looked back.
How do you spend your time off the mat? Off my mat, I love to hit local trails with my dog, adventure around the country with my husband, and catch up over coffee with my friends. I hold a masters degree in journalism and I often use my over-priced Emerson College wordsmithing skills at the local not-for-profit where I’ve worked for the last 15 years.
Why power yoga? For me, power yoga is more than a practice that takes place on my mat. It bleeds into the rest of my life and, quite simply, helps shape me (over and over) into the person I want to be.
Favorite pose? Depending on the day: Wheel or Legs up the Wall
Which three words best capture the vibe of your yoga classes at Sol? Challenging. Inspiring. Authentic
RYT500 (Power Yoga University); Baptiste Power Yoga Instructor with a Baptiste Power Yoga Instructor Credential; Additional Teacher Tuneup Trainings with Brandon Compagnone Baptiste Power Yoga Boston); Philip Urso (Live, Love, Teach); Patrick Beach (Awakening Yoga); and more.

Jillian Hannah
My college professor introduced me to holistic wellness practices that changed the trajectory of my life (acupuncture, yoga & meditation being my top favs)!
How do you spend your time off the mat? My family lives on a Christmas tree farm & we host people to come stay here as a wellness getaway. I’m also homeschooling my youngest son and enjoying it very much… 🙂
Why power yoga? Release stress, feel better in your body/ mind & be around like minded people.
Favorite pose? Laying down twists ;)))
Which three words best capture the vibe of your yoga classes at Sol? Fun & Long Shavasnas
500RYT, Breathwork & Somatic Training, Vedic meditation

Sarah Morrill
I started practicing yoga on a whim and keep practicing yoga for the connection it brings me to myself and to others.
How do you spend your time off the mat? Doing toddler things, being with girlfriends, drinking coffee, going for long walks, more yoga.
Why power yoga? This practice will infuse energy into every part of your life. Specifically through practicing at Sol, you will learn to reform the way you move, breath and understand yourself.
Favorite pose? Half Moon
Which three words best capture the vibe of your yoga classes at Sol? Fiery, focused, fun
RYT 200, 30-HR Synchronized Vinyasa, 30-HR Awakening

Michael Ladroga
I started practicing yoga to help recover from knee pain from working out incorrectly.
How do you spend your time off the mat? Disc golfing. Kayaking. Reading
Why power yoga? For an exhilarating sweat. Community.
Favorite pose? Supported fish is a really nice one.
Which three words best capture the vibe of your yoga classes at Sol? Opening, meditative, unwinding
ERYT-500, YACEP, YTT-200(Kripalu), YTT-50(Yin with Josh Summers), YTT-200(Sol Power Yoga), YTT-300 (Kripalu)

Arie Manzi
Yoga inspires me because it helps me build a deeper connection with my body.
How do you spend your time off the mat? Listening to records , reading, and lounging with my cat Janis.
Why power yoga? Power yoga is not just a physical practice. It’s a spiritual one. The practice helps us align to our higher selves and live a lifestyle of love and compassion.
Favorite pose? Frog
Which three words best capture the vibe of your yoga classes at Sol? Fun, challenging, and uplifting
Sol Power 200 RYT

Ari Chicklis
I started practicing yoga as a way to find some relief from a lifelong struggle with anxiety and panic disorder. It has since enhanced my life in every way possible.
How do you spend your time off the mat? Caring for my two boys, lifting weights, and constantly brainstorming ideas for my small business.
Why power yoga? To practice gratitude for the strength of our body, awe for our capacity to endure challenges, and awareness of our ability to release stress through breath and movement.
Favorite pose? Star Gazer
Which three words best capture the vibe of your yoga classes at Sol? Grounding & Purposefully creative
200 RYT, Hot Asana Yoga University, Certified Yin Yoga Instructor Hot Asana Yoga University, Certified Personal Trainer, National Academy of Sports Medicine, Additional Certifications in: Anatomy for Yoga, Advanced Yoga Sequencing, Trauma Informed Yoga, and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

Amelia Filloramo
My background in dance introduced me to yoga at a young age and I became hooked in college. Once I developed a consistent and dedicated practice, I noticed a positive shift in all aspects of my life.
How do you spend your time off the mat?I love to read, write, and spend time in nature.
Why power yoga? Power yoga helps me practice moving through challenge with steadiness and ease.
Favorite pose? Supported bridge pose
Which three words best capture the vibe of your yoga classes at Sol? Focus, equanimity, & grace

Alie Smith
My discovery of yoga was merely by chance when a friend invited me to try a power class at Sol. I’ll never forget the experience I had that day, where my mind, body, and soul merged into alignment. That’s what inspired my practice.
How do you spend your time off the mat? When I’m not working or at Sol and the weather is nice, I like to indulge in outdoor activities. The beach is always my location preference, but I’m not too picky. As soon as the weather begins to change, I start scheming up travel plans to escape the snow. Despite my love for adventure, I find magic in simplicity. There’s no better feeling than catching a sunset, being with loved ones, or curling up on the sofa with my two little fur babies and watching trash tv at the end of a long day.
Why power yoga? The mental, physical, and social benefits of hot power yoga are endless. I think the better question is, why NOT practice power yoga
Favorite pose? Wheel
Which three words best capture the vibe of your yoga classes at Sol? Dynamic, empowering, and playful
200RYT / Started teaching at Sol as of fall ‘24

Roberta Reilly
Digital Marketing Coordinator
How do you spend your time off the mat? I’m usually wherever the wind takes me—with my partner, Tanguy, in one hand and our daughter, Lena, in the other! Most of my time is spent working at the Seacoast Science Center, where I get to fuel my passion for the world’s oceans.
Why power yoga? You often forget how important movement is for your mind and body—until you move. Power yoga amplifies the mindfulness of yoga by combining it with the strength and power of your body.
Favorite pose? Child’s pose…anywhere…all the time….

Heather Stewart
Yoga offered me space during the toughest time of my life. What I didn’t realize at the time was how much it would change my life.
How do you spend your time off the mat? If I’m not on the mat I’m usually traveling …visiting my kids in Canada or finding adventures outside of the US.
Why power yoga? Power yoga is a different beast. It burns down all the noise, leaving you with your deepest and best self.
Favorite pose? Chair (kidding … I’m not crazy!!). I love deaf man’s pose. It is a coming home for me.
Which three words best capture the vibe of your yoga classes at Sol? Energetic, powerful, fun.
I’ve been practicing yoga for about 9 years now, and completed my teacher training in February 2024.